
Weed Abatement

Do you have a Notice of Violation and Order to Abate? Do you have weeds and plants on your property in need of abatement? Let Temecula Valley Weed Abatement, Fire Prevention & Brush Clearing take the hassle out of your property maintenance.

Orchards, Vineyards & Groves

Our services include all kinds of vegetation types: orchards, vineyards, groves, and more. From tree trimming, to undergrowth maintenance, or even tree felling, we will care for your acreage as if it is our own.

Fire Prevention

We perform fire and hazard prevention by creating and maintaining defensible space. You will be confident in the safety of your homefront.


Brush & Overgrowth

You will be amazed the difference trimming, mowing, and removal of overgrowth will do! Whether it is intermittent maintenance, or scheduled regular service, you will be pleased with the grooming of your property.

Debris Clean-Up / Hauling

Unwanted material? Debris? We will get rid of any eyesores from your property efficiently, restoring beauty back to your landscape. Not only will we clean and clear your property, but we will haul any debris or unwanted materials from the premises and dispose of them using environmentally friendly practices.

Rock Landscaping

Once your property is cleared, we work with our affiliate quarry to deliver the best quality rock for firescaping / rockscaping. Not only is this the safest option for landscaping, but is cost-effective and sustainable for your home.